Sunday, July 27, 2008

I Need a Job

Some teens want em some teens don't, but I'm one that does, but can't find one because of something I like to call "age discrimination" I wish they had jobs for 15 year olds that you could apply for and bring home a weekly check. Why do we have to wait until we are 16 when where looking for our first vehicle, but sorry can't have it cause your flat broke. Why do we have to bribe our parents for money, but end up doing a load of work for a couple of bucks? I have 1982 Ford Bronco sitting in my driveway thats supposed to be mine, I can't have till i make the first thousand dollar payment. I'd make that payment in a heart beat but I'm not finding any work. If anybody has any comments, ideas, or know of somebody who will accept a 15 year old for some work then please let me know asap!!


Carol said...

Wow! That sure is alot of drama Devin!!! May i suggest you take it down a notch or two??
True--you cant get a job until your 16 but you cant drive until you are 16 either!

Amanda said...

Devin I just wanted you to know...your an IDIOT!!!